At Roseberry Primary and Nursery School, we are working hard to ensure children access a high quality education.
Please do not let your child miss out by poor attendance and lateness.
It is essential that your child attends school on time every day in order to gain the greatest benefit from their education.
Your child’s years at primary school are the most important time to begin their learning. It is therefore important to understand that when your children is part of our school, we expect them to attend every day.
Being absent or late can seriously:
- Stop pupils’ progress and create gaps in their learning; every day absent from school is a day of lost learning.
- Affect your child’s friendships: it is harder for them to socialise and be part of a team.
- Embarrass your child if they are late and they have to walk into an already settled classroom and have to catch up.
- Cause bad habits which are hard to break- we can cope with minor illnesses like coughs and colds and if ever there was a problem, we would contact you as soon as possible.
Absence Procedures
If your child is absent from school you must:
- Contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence and inform us of the reason for the absence.
- Provide us with appointment card/appointment letter if taking your child out of school for a medical appointment; your child should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment.
- Provide school with medical evidence of any absence lasting for more than 5 consecutive days (i.e. a medical note, medical appointment card, medicine bottle).
If your child is absent from school we will:
- Telephone you on the first day of absence if we have not heard from you.
- Write to you to inform you of our concerns regarding your child’s attendance if your child’s absence falls below 95%.
- Offer support should your child’s attendance continue to fall after the previous letters have been sent.
The leaflet below sets out the information we think will help you to explain to your child what is important to their future success and how, with your support, attending school regularly will help them to achieve their full potential.
Improving school attendance is a national and local priority and we hope to support parents as much as we can with improving attendance.
The local authority have asked us to remind parents about the use of the NHS app when looking for information about a child’s illness.
We encourage parents to use this link about how to decide when to send your child to school.
The final link has useful information about where to find support for your child and some additional information about attendance.
If you are struggling to get your child to come to school in the morning, please reach out to us for support. We will always help wherever we can or signpost you in the right direction for additional support from other services.
Please download the following leaflet containing essential information for parents regarding school attendance- Parents Leaflet Attendance 2023-2024
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