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Willow – Three Year Old Nursery

At Roseberry Nursery, we strive to give the children in our care the best possible start in early education. The nursery environment has been designed to support children’s development in a range of different ways.

Mrs Nunn – Early Years Coordinator and Willow Nursery Class Teacher

Mrs Straker – Early Years Teaching Assistant

Mrs Matthews- Early Years Teaching Assistant

Early Years Entitlement for 3 and 4 Year Old Children

All children who turn three are eligible for 15 hours of funding per child per week for 38 weeks of the year, a total of 570 hours per year. However some families may be eligible for 30 free hours. You can check to see what you’re eligible for by answering some questions on .

Funding is available to claim for children for an Early Years place from the term after the child turns three.

Children born between:

  • 1st January – 31st March are eligible for a place in the summer term (Beginning April)
  • 1st April – 31st August are eligible for a place in the autumn term (Beginning September)
  • 1st September – 31st December are eligible for a place in the Spring term (Beginning January)

It is advised that you contact the school to register your interest for place at your earliest convenience as our places are in demand.

At Roseberry, we offer set sessions for 15 hours funded children, these are as follows;

  • Beginning of the week sessions – Monday, Tuesday (8:50 – 9:00am until 3:10pm) and Wednesday morning (8:50am – 9:00am until 11.40am) TERM TIME ONLY
  • End of the week sessions – Wednesday afternoon (12:30pm-3:10pm) Thursday and Friday (8:50 – 9:00am until 3:10pm) TERM TIME ONLY

If you are eligible for the 30 hours  free nursery  education your child can attend: 5 full days: 8:50 – 9:00am until 3:10pm (TERM TIME ONLY)

Please note, all of these days and times are subject to availability.

Please use this application form to apply for a place

at Roseberry: Nursery application form.


Here at Roseberry staff follow The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Staff plan activities for groups and individuals to support their learning. The nursery follows a topic of the term but adapt to child’s interests as and when. We use an online learning journey which parents can access to record observations of your child. These are personal records to your child which only you can access.

Autumn 1 Overview Willow Nursery
Autumn 2 Overview Willow Nursery

Daily Routine

Children arrive between 8:50 and 9:00 am
9am – 9:25am register and Literacy
9:25am-10:25 free play, adult led activities
10:30am-10:45am – Early phonics awareness session
10:50-11:25 – outdoor play
11:30-12:30 – lunchtime
12:30-1 – outdoor play
1pm -1:20pm maths
1:20pm – 2:40pm – free play and adult led activities
2:40-3:00pm – outdoor play
3:30pm – Home time

This is an example of the daily routine we follow in nursery. We also enjoy Geography once a week were we explore different countries in the world. During the day we participate in disco dough which supports the development of our fine motor skills.

This is just a snapshot of what activities we participate in during the hours of nursery.


Homework is given each week. The activities are related to what the children have been learning about. Children are also given a story book to share at home with their family. At Roseberry Primary we have a strong passion for reading and encourage parents to support children adopting this passion.  Children are encouraged to read at home every day. Children are able to take home a book from our library that they can share with their parents and siblings.


Children have free flow snack on a morning and an afternoon where they can independently help themselves to fruit, milk and water.


All children are expected to wear a full school uniform in Nursery. We ask that parents also send in a change of clothes and a pair of wellies that can be left at school. Parents are also asked to send their child into school in appropriate clothing as we will be accessing the outdoor area no matter the weather. All items of clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name to ensure they are returned to the correct child.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate in contacting the school where we will be pleased to answer any queries

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