Total amount received – £18,490
Pupil Premium Spend:
- Bug Club Subscription
- Lexia subscription
- ‘Sound Training’ for 8 pupils (Reading)
- ‘Sound Training’ software
- 1-1 Tuition for Year 6 pupils
- Project X resources (Reading)
2011 – 2012 Impact:
- Continued picture of rising attainment in EYFS, with pupils making good progress.
- Year 1 phonics tests are in line with national averages.
- FSM pupils’ attainment is higher than the national average in all subjects (APS – 14.7:14.1)
- Value added for English for FSM pupils is 101.5 which is significantly above the national average of 99.7.
- Value added for Maths for FSM pupils is 100.7 compared to the national average of 99.7.
- In English, 100% FSM pupils achieved expected progress compared to national average of 87%.
- In Maths, 88% FSM pupils achieved expected progress compared to national average of 83%.