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Reception Chestnut

Have a look at our Meet the Staff page to find out more about your teachers.

Miss Bennett- Reception Chestnut Class Teacher

Mrs Straker – Early Years Teaching Assistant

Miss Tidbury- Early Years Teaching Assistant

What are we learning this year?

Please click on the links below to find out what we will be learning about each half term:

Autumn 1 Overview Reception Chestnut
Autumn 2 Overview Reception Chestnut
Spring 1 Overview Reception Chestnut

Educational Visits

Reception have Educational Visits to help with our learning. Later in the year we will be going to the farm to learn about animals and their young. We will also go on a trip to the beach as part of our summer theme.

Information for parents

Homework in Reception is given out weekly. The aim of the children’s homework is to allow the children to practise and apply the skills they have learned at school. Each week there will be a piece of maths homework and a piece of literacy homework. Homework is given out each Friday and is expected back by Tuesday the following week. If you have any questions, please come and speak to Miss Bennet at the end of the school day.

Reading: Children are encouraged to read at home every day, please remember to fill in the reading record and return books as soon as they have been read.  Every time your child reads they are awarded with a sticker and a green dojo for their effort.

Fruit: As we are a healthy school children are encouraged to eat at least 5 fruit or vegetables a day. We have a fruit on offer throughout the morning as part of our daily snack.

Milk: We offer free milk to children aged four and under. Children who are five can buy milk for 20p a day. Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle into school so that they can access drinking water throughout the day.

PE Kits: All children are expected to wear their full PE kits on PE days. Your child’s class teacher will inform you of the day your child will have their PE lesson.  The PE kit consists of black shorts, a white t-shirt and plimsolls. Children will be dressing themselves before and after each PE session so please label all of your child’s clothing.

Clothing: All children are expected to wear a full school uniform in Reception. We ask that parents also send in a change of clothes and a pair of wellies that can be left at school. Parents are also asked to send their child into school in appropriate clothing as we will be accessing the outdoor area no matter the weather.

OPAL: All children from Reception to Year 6 will take part in OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) during their lunchtimes. Only extreme weather conditions will prevent OPAL from taking place. To ensure that children are prepared for OPAL sessions we ask parents to ensure children have a pair of wellies and a coat in school. We do expect the children to get a little dirty during sessions, therefore parents may choose to leave a separate coat on the peg in school just for OPAL play.

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