Total amount received – £38,400
Pupil Premium Spend:
- Additional full time Teaching assistant
- 1-1 Tuition for Yr 6 pupils
- Numicon training and resources (Maths)
- CPD in Maths for staff
- Lexia subscription
- Bug Club subscription
Impact 2012-2013
- At KS 1, FSM performed slightly less well than non FSM (APS 13.2: 13.7). The gap between the two groups (0.5) was less than the gap between the two groups nationally (14.3: 16.3).
- The in-school gap between FSM and non FSM is reducing.
- Overall in all subjects, progress from KS 1 to KS 2, FSM made better progress VA 101.6 compared to 101.4 non-FSM. This was also above the national average of 99.8 for FSM.
- FSM scored better than non FSM in reading but not in Maths or writing.
- 100% FSM/non FSM made expected progress in reading and writing.
- 94% FSM compared to 100% non FSM made expected progress in Maths.
- All groups in all subjects made more progress than the national averages.