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Pupil Premium 2014-2015

Impact 2014-2015

  • In EYFS, pupils achieving a good level of development was in line with the national average 65%: 66%.
  • 81% pupils passed the phonics test, compared to 77% nationally. 73% disadvantaged pupils passed the Year 1 phonics test compared to 90% other pupils nationally (i.e. not disadvantaged).
  • The proportion of KS 1 pupils achieving Level 2B or above in Reading, Writing & Maths was broadly in line with national averages.
  • 79% disadvantaged KS 1 pupils achieved the expected standard (2B) in reading compared to 85% other pupils nationally (i.e. not disadvantaged).
  • 64% disadvantaged KS 1 pupils achieved the expected standard (2B) in writing compared to 69% other pupils nationally (i.e. not disadvantaged).
  • 79% disadvantaged KS 1 pupils achieved the expected standard (2B) in maths compared to 77% other pupils nationally (i.e. not disadvantaged).
  • In terms of making expected progress in reading and writing, disadvantaged KS 1 pupils were above other pupils nationally.
  • Disadvantaged KS 1 pupils made exceptional progress (more than expected) in maths compared to other pupils nationally. This can be attributed to the Numbers Count intervention.
  • KS 2 value added was broadly average or above in all subjects (Ofsted Inspection Dashboard)
  • KS 2 value added was broadly average or above for disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs subjects (Ofsted Inspection Dashboard).
  • From at least 5 out of 6 starting points, the proportions of KS 2 pupils making and exceeding expected progress in reading, writing and maths were every close to or above national figures subjects (Ofsted Inspection Dashboard).
  • From at least 5 out of 6 starting points, the proportion of disadvantaged KS 2 pupils making and exceeding expected progress in reading, writing and maths was similar to that of other pupils nationally. (Ofsted Inspection Dashboard).
  • 56% KS 2 pupils achieved the higher level 5 standard in Maths, compared to 41% pupils nationally. Numbers Count intervention and 1-1 tuition had a positive impact on attainment in maths.
  • We have seen an increase from 2014 to 2015 in the % of disadvantaged KS 2 pupils attaining the expected standard in all subjects at Level 4 ( 63% to 83%) and an increase of 20% attaining the higher Level 5 in Maths.

Pupil Premium Impact September 2015