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FREE play and learn for 2 year-olds

FREE play and learn for 2 year-olds

Your 2 year-old may be entitled to free childcare from the term after their second birthday at ‘Play and Learn’ sessions. These can be accessed at Ofsted registered day nurseries, pre-schools, childminders, or some schools. If you qualify, your child will receive 15 hours a week (term-time only), or 11 hours a week (50 weeks a year).

You may be eligible if you meet the criteria on the back of this letter. You can do a quick and easy check on our parent portal. You can access this at

If you are eligible, you will be given a code to take to your chosen childcare provider. You will need to discuss availability of places and a possible start date.

If you don’t have internet access or if you experience problems finding childcare contact Families Information Service on 03000 26 99 95.