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At Roseberry Primary and Nursery School we recognise that Mathematics is essential to everyday life, necessary for financial literacy and required for most forms of employment. We aim to provide a high-quality Maths education with a mastery approach so that all children develop:

  • Fluency in the fundamentals of Maths
  • Reasoning skills that allow them to develop an argument and justify their responses using mathematical language
  • Problem-solving skills which allow them to apply their Maths to a variety of different contexts, including breaking down complex problems into a series of simpler steps and showing resilience when seeking solutions.

Our aspirational Mastery approach is rooted in the principle that all children can achieve when given the correct scaffolding and support. We aim to provide scaffolding that allows each individual child to succeed with the whole class and utilise in class support to ensure that all children make good progress. Where possible or necessary, small group interventions are used to ensure children keep up or catch up but our emphasis is on quality first teaching; we allow all children the opportunity to access high-quality teaching and have high expectations for all. Where a separate curriculum is required, it is designed carefully with the needs of the child at the centre, and will aim to help the child make good progress and catch up with their peers where possible.

Through our Brighter Futures Curriculum Foundations, which have been specifically designed with our children in mind, we aim to build the basics – Maths is a vital part of developing children’s competencies in communication, problem solving and group work. We encourage children to ask questions and consider different opinions in order to reach a conclusion. We also aim to raise aspirations in our children, and through ‘world of work’ studies, we show children that Maths has a use beyond the classroom. We aim for their learning to be meaningful.

We follow the National Curriculum aims and objectives, informed by research and new developments, to prepare all children for end of key stage assessments. For example, we utilise the support of Maths Hubs and organisations such as the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), and use resources such as government guidance on the teaching of primary Maths (May 2020) and Ofsted research reviews (May 2021) to inform best practice. Our lessons are sequenced according to the White Rose Maths Hub overviews, but are adapted by individual teachers to meet the needs of their class.