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Reading for Pleasure

Above all, we endeavour to instil a love of reading in all children and focus on reading for pleasure across the school. We hold reading events every term where parents are invited to school to read with their children.

Autumn: Share a Christmas Story – children and their parents listen to the teacher read a Christmas story and then they undertake a Christmas craft activity together linked to the book

Spring: World Book Day – our school focus for World Book Day is traditional tales that the children may not have encountered before, e.g. Rumpelstiltskin, Aesop’s Fables. Children are tasked with a home-learning project before World Book Day e.g. decorate a pebble or a wooden spoon with a favourite book character or create a character mask. The children bring these to school on World Book Day to share with their class. Parents and carers are invited into school during the afternoon to read with their children. Families are grouped together for this reading opportunity.

Summer: Performance Poetry competition. Children across the school learn a poem and perform it to their classmates. Each class winner then performs to an assembly, including invited parents and school governors, and a winner is chosen. We have had some fantastic guest judges and wonderful performances over the years!

We regularly encourage reading for pleasure at home through tasks we set for the whole school. These have included such activities as a Reading Bingo sheet, Extreme Reading competition and a sponsored read to raise money for our school fund to buy more books in school.