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Library Visits

Library Visits

Each week, children from year 1 – year 6 visit the school library where they can browse the large selection of books and choose a book to take home with them to share with their family. We also offer times for parents to visit our library to choose a book from our...
Paired Reading

Paired Reading

Every week, each class pairs with another to share a book together. Younger children have the opportunity to be read to by an older child, or to practise their reading skills to an older audience. We have found this to be a thoroughly enjoyable activity for the...
Author Visits

Author Visits

We often invite authors to come into our school to work with the children. Most recently, Sarah Morrell, author of the ‘Molly’s Magic Brolly’ visited us and regaled children with stories of her life and writing...

Book Fayres

Scholastic Book Fayres are well-supported by our children and their parents and families. We try to coordinate the Book Fayre with our reading events. The commission raised through these events are used to buy books to enhance our classroom...

Book Group

Mrs Dunn and Miss Blakeney run a Book Group that has proven extremely popular with our upper key stage 2 pupils. Who wouldn’t enjoy the chance to sit down with friends to explore and discuss opinions on a shared text? Especially, when there’s an end of year tea...